John Oliver Returns to "The Daily Show" to Gloat Over Trump's "Monarchy Era"

On the latest episode of "The Daily Show," former correspondent John Oliver made a surprise appearance to poke fun at President Trump's expansive use of executive authority and government cutbacks.

After failing to identify anyone who could challenge Trump's rampant executive orders, host Jon Stewart lamented, "It's been a good run, America. It seems like we're becoming less like the constitutional republic we've been for 250 years, and more like the monarchy that we all fought to escape from."

However, Stewart was interrupted by slow, sarcastic clapping from offstage. Oliver then emerged with a smug grin.

"The prodigal son appears to have returned," Oliver quipped to thunderous applause.

"Hold on," Stewart protested. "Is that young John Oliver? Are you here to offer us your wisdom and counsel?"

"Oh, no, no, Jon, I'm here to gloat," Oliver replied. "America had its little fun experimenting with democracy, didn't you? You fought so hard to get away from [the British Empire], throwing all that tea into the harbor? You still owe us for that, by the way. Let me be the first to welcome America to its monarchy era. Congratulations!"

Stewart defended the United States, arguing that while "we are having some trouble with democratic governance," it would be extreme to abandon the republic and embrace an empire.

"Don't fight being a monarchy, Jon, embrace it!" Oliver retorted. "Kings get shit done. They move quick! They taste cumin at lunch and they've taken over an entire continent by dinner time. That's how the British rolled, Jon. Fuck everyone else."

Stewart countered, "I'm not sure the imperial model is for us."

"Have you seen anything America has done over the last 50 years?" Oliver asked. "Invasions, economic exploitations, and now, suggesting turning Gaza into a beachfront casino? Even King George would be like, 'I don't know, guys! Feels like the situation is a bit more complicated than that.'"

Stewart grimaced into the camera and remarked, "We really have become our father."

[Watch the full segment here](link to video)