Onyx Storm: A Novel by Rebecca Yarros


Rebecca Yarros' "Onyx Storm" is the third installment in her "The Empyrean" fantasy series. It tells the continuing story of Violet Sorrengail, a dragon-riding cadet at a military college who uncovers the long-held magical secrets of her country.

Record-Breaking Success:

Upon its release, "Onyx Storm" broke the record for the fastest-selling novel targeted at adults in 20 years, with 2.7 million copies sold in its first week.

Key Plot Points:

* Violet discovers that she has two relationships before Xaden.
* A character close to Violet's heart will not survive in Book 4.
* The prevalence of second signets among the marked ones is explored.

Character Insights:

* Xaden refers to Tyrrendor as both "she" and "it."
* Basgiath's birth-control serum works based on medicinal properties rather than magic.
* Xaden's venin "brother" is hinted at but not explicitly revealed.

TV Series Adaptation:

A TV series adaptation of "Fourth Wing" is in development at Amazon MGM Studios. showrunner Moira Walley-Beckett has met with Yarros and is closely adhering to the book's plot and characters.

Author's Thoughts:

* Yarros is taking a break before writing Book 4.
* She sees a connection between her experiences writing "The Empyrean" and her contemporary romance novels.
* Her focus on casting for the "Fourth Wing" TV series is that Xaden be played by a POC actor.
* Yarros plans to explore additional points of view in Book 4.
* The evolution of Xaden's use of nicknames for Violet reflects the growth in their relationship.