The Girl with the Needle: A Timely Tale in the Wake of Political Upheaval

Starring Trine Dyrholm and Vic Carmen Sonne, "The Girl with the Needle" is poised for its Oscar campaign. However, in the wake of the recent U.S. election, the film's themes have become increasingly resonant.

The early 20th-century setting and its exploration of unwanted pregnancies strike a particular chord, according to the actresses. Vic Carmen Sonne explains that, "The film explores themes that are unfortunately still relevant today. The abortion ban has had devastating consequences, and it's essential to highlight these issues."

Trine Dyrholm adds that the political climate has heightened her sense of optimism. "After the election, I felt more hopeful. We need to come together and fight for a stronger Europe. Themes of love and compassion are more important than ever."

The film's director, Magnus Von Horn, based the drama loosely on a true story. Sonne's character, Karoline, undergoes a failed abortion and subsequently works at an "adoption agency" with sinister motives.

"The film raises questions about the marginalized and their rights," says Sonne. "When you deny people their voice and agency, it can lead to rebellion and resistance."

Ultimately, "The Girl with the Needle" serves as a critique of societal structures and hierarchies. Dyrholm emphasizes, "It's about understanding that we shouldn't judge others or put them into boxes. We need to work together and show compassion, especially in divisive times."