Reese Witherspoon Mistaken for Lawyer During Jury Duty Thanks to 'Legally Blonde' Fame

In a recent appearance on "The Graham Norton Show," Academy Award winner Reese Witherspoon shared a hilarious anecdote about her experience with jury duty.

Years after starring in the iconic "Legally Blonde" film, Witherspoon was selected to serve on a jury in Beverly Hills. To her surprise, her fellow jurors believed she was a real-life lawyer due to her memorable portrayal of Elle Woods.

"I remember it was probably seven years after 'Legally Blonde,' I got called for jury duty," said Witherspoon. "And it was in Beverly Hills. I thought, 'Surely they're not gonna pick me.' They picked me for a long trial, y'all. It was probably two weeks."

During the trial's deliberation, Witherspoon's fellow jurors unanimously elected her as foreman. Puzzled by their decision, Witherspoon inquired about their reasoning.

"They were like, 'You went to law school,'" recalled Witherspoon. "I was like, 'Y'all this is really upsetting. I definitely did not go to law school, I didn't finish college.' I played a lawyer in a movie once but they fully made me the foreman and I started realizing… people don’t know much about the law."

Witherspoon's experience highlights the enduring impact of her "Legally Blonde" character, Elle Woods, and the public's perception of the legal profession.