Carry On: The Social Media Blockbuster of the Streaming Era


Prior to Netflix's high-octane Christmas Eve thriller "Carry On," a red ribbon on luggage symbolized effortless baggage identification. However, the film has transformed this simple accessory into a catalyst for viral phenomenon.

The Impact of Social Media

"Carry On" has become a social media powerhouse, generating an astounding 907 million impressions on Netflix's owned platforms. Creative video content and behind-the-scenes footage have propelled the film to the forefront of social consciousness.

Capitalizing on Organic Traction

Netflix's marketing team expertly leveraged viral scenes from the film, such as Danielle Deadwyler's breathtaking car chase sequence. The release of an instructional video showcasing the production behind the scene garnered over 22 million impressions on Netflix Geeked channels.

Real-World Impact

The film's impact extended beyond social media, reaching real-world border protection agencies. The Australian Border Force shared images of bags adorned with red ribbons, while the TSA commended the film's heroes for their heroism.

Potential for a Sequel

While director Jaume Collet-Serra acknowledges that a sequel is not currently planned, he remains open to exploring the possibility if an idea emerges that maintains the originality and audience engagement of the original film.


"Carry On" has proven that viral marketing can be a powerful force in the streaming era. By leveraging social media traction and capitalizing on organic buzz, the film has become a cultural phenomenon and a testament to the influence of social platforms in shaping entertainment trends.