Most Likely to Cause Problems in "Dimension 20"

The intrepid heroes of "Dimension 20," led by dungeon master Brennan Lee Mulligan, recently sat down with Variety to reveal who's most likely to stir trouble.

Most Likely to Antagonize the Dungeon Master: Siobhan Thompson

Mulligan singled out Thompson as the one most likely to antagonize him, admitting he's been told to "eat my fucking dice" on camera only by her. Thompson wholeheartedly agreed, stating, "I'm not antagonizing him, I'm actually bullying him."

Most Likely to Derail Sessions: Ally Beardsley

While Thompson may be the most outspokenly adversarial, the cast agreed that Beardsley has a knack for derailing sessions. Mulligan noted her tendency to introduce unexpected characters and events, such as Fetty Wap and Fall Out Boy into the game world.

Most Likely to Enhance the Plot with Unnecessary Details: Emily Axford

Mulligan praised Axford's improvisations for often leading to exciting story developments. Axford admitted to having a "Scooby-Doo brain" and always seeking the mystery behind the mystery, which has resulted in unique plot points such as "soul laundering" in Bethesda Fountain.

Dungeon Master Aspirations

Several players have expressed interest in DM'ing side quests for "Dimension 20." Mulligan expressed his excitement for the possibility of seeing them take the helm and hopes to make it a reality in the future.