Mr. Nobody Against Putin

"Mr. Nobody Against Putin," premiering at the Sundance Film Festival, offers a firsthand account of the impact of Vladimir Putin's war on Ukraine on Russian children. Director David Borenstein collaborated with Pavel "Pasha" Talankin, a high school teacher and the film's co-director.

Genesis of the Project

When the war erupted, Pasha responded to a request for testimonials about its impact on his job. His heartfelt critique was rejected by the web content company, but it reached Borenstein, who recognized its potential.

Challenges and Collaborations

Communicating with Pasha was extremely difficult due to security concerns. They relied on encrypted lines and indirect language. Despite limitations, Borenstein embraced Pasha's unique perspective and allowed his footage to guide the narrative.

Themes and Relationships

The film captures the slow creep of fascism and militarization in Pasha's school. It explores the impact on students, teachers, and Pasha himself. Key relationships include Pasha and his mother, Masha whose brother joins the war, and a young recruit.

Russian Perspectives

Borenstein avoided stereotyping Russians by showcasing Pasha's genuine perspective. He believes the film represents the sentiments of many Russians who oppose the regime.

Consent and Privacy

The use of children's footage raised ethical concerns. The film's partners provided legal guidance, and Pasha obtained consent from those prominently featured after the fact.

Potential Reactions from Russia

While no attempts to block the film's distribution have been reported, Borenstein anticipates possible reactions from Russia. "Mr. Nobody Against Putin" stands as a powerful testament to the horrors of war and the importance of dissenting voices.